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July 24, 2006 09:07 PM UTC

Complaint Alleges Lamborn Collusion

  • by: Colorado Pols

The fallout from the negative advertisements being put out against CD-5 candidates Jeff Crank and Lionel Rivera continues for Doug Lamborn. From the Pueblo Chieftain.

The supporter of one of six candidates in the 5th Congressional District GOP primary has filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, alleging collusion between two political action groups and another candidate.

Bob Gardner, a supporter of candidate Jeff Crank and a former El Paso County Republican Party chairman, filed the complaint Saturday against candidate Doug Lamborn and two political action committees, The Gazette reported.

Gardner’s lawyer, Scott Gessler, said the law forbids campaigns to coordinate activities with PACs.

Lamborn’s campaign manager, Jon Hotaling, says the charges are a political stunt.

The controversy stems from political mailers sent out by the Club for Growth accusing Crank and candidate Lionel Rivera of supporting tax increases. Another mailer, sent by the Christian Coalition of Colorado, said Crank and Rivera back ‘‘the radical homosexual lobby.’’

Gardner alleged Lamborn’s campaign provided the addresses for recipients of the mailers.


42 thoughts on “Complaint Alleges Lamborn Collusion

  1. Wow. Gessler is litigating yet another Republican in a primary election.

    And Crank has just added himself to the list of candidates using the judicial system to sue their opponents out of a political race. 

    Beauprez, Kopp, Penry, and now Crank.  All — by the way — using Gessler.  And all — interestingly enough — backed by Benson and Trailhead.

    And let’s not forget the State Party suing republican organizations that happen to use the word “republican” in their title. 

    I guess this must be the new tactic this election cycle: sue, litigate, charge, subpoena, and court-cost your opponent to death. Don’t worry about traditional campaigning.  Just hire a good attorney.

    I sure do hope Crank decided to take that issue position on Judicial Tort Reform off of his web site. 

  2. Bob Gardnet himself is a candidate this year. He’s running for one of the open State House seats in El Paso County. His Dem opponent is Anna Lord.

          1. I’ve known Bob G for many years and YES, he’s got plenty to hide. He is one of the sleaziest people on the face of the earth. Former El P party chair, got ousted by Focus on the Family, his personal life is a mess, he’s run several campaigns and been a real scum bag. Maybe for a politician that makes him prime beef.

            1. Hey Mr. Gardner, where’s that $10,000.00 in bad checks that were written to the El Paso County Republican Party in 1995 from Bingo.  Care to discuss further why the El Paso County Republican Party changed its official name and tax status, something having to do with the IRS and back taxes?  Can you say $200,000.00 dollars worth from Bingo Pull Tabs? You know, the deal with you and Wayne Williams that was brokered so that you and Sarah would not be censured out of the party?  Seems no Executive Committee ever remembers getting the money back.  This was all under your watch as El paso County Chair.  You and your lovely assistant Sarah Jack…NOT. 

              Need we say more.  Gardner is unopposed in the Republican Race.  That’s how we do it. Too bad, would have been interesting to see if the “Ole Man” really has a political campaign in him.  It’s easy to sit on the side lines and get things handed to you. 

              Question of the Day:  With Ed Jone, Larry Liston, and Bob Gardner at the state capitol, WHO’S THE REAL LARRY.  AS IN STOOGES?

              Just a load of crap like Liston was neutral.  Anybody been thru House District 16 lately.  I guess the aliens dropped in after Liston said he was supporting Crank.  What a load!!!!

            2. What are you Gardner’s best pal or his wife or one of his kids or are you getting you theories about his personal life those pieced together from illegitimate rumors that always seem to circulate when people don’t have enough to do? Why don’t you try asking someone who really knows what’s going on in their personal life before you go and shoot you mouth off?

              1. Copyright Freedom Newspapers, Inc. Apr 19, 1994
                Label: FORUM

                We are glad that Bob Gardner has accepted the governor’s challenge to focus on the issues in this campaign. That is what the people of this state want and that is what they deserve. So, instead of dodging his specific criticisms with rhetoric, I would like to answer them one at a time.

                Economic development: Under Roy Romer’s administration, we have seen a dramatic economic turnaround, from negative job growth in 1986 for the first time since 1954, to a 3.4 percent gain in 1992, while the rest of the nation remained stagnant at 0.2 percent. We owe this success primarily to hardworking people of Colorado and to our creative business leaders. The governor has been there to provide a helping hand with his job creation program, and keeping government out of the way of the private sector. Bob Gardner calls this mismanagement. We call it good sense and a job well done.

                Crime: Yes, the governor supported GO Colorado (Amendment 8). So did a majority of people in this state. Yes, he supported HB 1327 in 1990 to increase the opportunities for non-violent felons to earn good time. So do almost all of the members of the Legislature on both sides of the aisle. Bob Gardner calls this “soft.” We call it a sensible effort to focus our limited resources on the violent offenders. That is the kind of tough choice that an able administrator ought to make.

                What Bob Gardner left out of his critique was the fact that under the Romer administration, Colorado’s prison capacity has increased from 3,060 beds to 7,496 beds – more than double. As long as criminals continue to violate the law, the governor will push for more prison space. This is a fact the people of this state deserve to know – the record speaks for itself.

                Juvenile crime: Yes, the governor vetoed a bill in 1992 which would have publicized the names of juveniles charged with felonies before they were ever convicted or acquitted. There is no sense in violating due process with a piecemeal measure that would not come close to solving the problem. What we need instead is a comprehensive approach. That is why the governor called a special session last year to create the Youthful Offender System designed to deal swiftly and surely with the most violent youths, and that is why he continues, in this session, to push for more prison space for those youths. That is why the governor also created the Community Partnership Office designed to assist neighborhoods in building strong communities with strict codes of conduct in order to prevent young kids from turning to crime, at the same time cracking down on those who have already chosen such a course.

                Denver teachers contract negotiations of 1991: Gov. Romer used his influence in that case to prevent a strike which would only hurt the children. In the process, he helped develop an innovative organizational structure that takes decision making authority out of the hands of bureaucrats and puts it into the hands of parents and teachers. It is not very often that we see politicians be so aggressive in support of sound policy.

                Has he turned his back on teachers? Absolutely not. All across the state, teachers have faced salary cutbacks with the pressures of Amendment 1. The governor feels that the best way to deal with those pressures is to get everyone back at the negotiating table rather than to make executive decrees. If Bob Gardner would have it otherwise, he might as well give up any claim to supporting local control of schools.

                Environment: If Bob Gardner could name one thing his party has done to help the environment, we might be able to take him more seriously. Despite the fact that the Republican-controlled Legislature pulled the rug out from under the governor’s efforts to crack down on Summitville-type violations when they cut funding from the Mined Land Reclamation Act – over his objection – the governor has never pointed fingers nor tried to escape responsibility. Most politicians would have taken the easier route. Not Gov. Romer. Why not? Because he has always demonstrated in his own life the very values he seeks to foster in our children. Two of these values are honesty and a sense of responsibility, and that is why he continues to focus his campaigns on straight talk about the issues.

                Gardner failed to mention any of these facts because he can’t. He is an agent of an ideology that is on the ropes. He has the task of discrediting an extremely popular and effective governor without being able to talk about any ideas coming from his own party. Because of this, he is forced to distract people from the success of the Romer administration. To reach this end, he employs hot-button phrases like the tax word to divert attention away from the governor’s remarkable success.

                Unless the voters start holding political figures accountable for what they say, they can expect the same formula to be used against Democratic candidates: reach far for the facts, shape them into obscure conclusions, assign blame while also denying responsibility, throw in some phrases like tax or liberal, let it simmer in the minds of increasingly disenfranchised voters, and sit back and enjoy as candidate races become exercises in futility that do nothing to address the important issues. Clearly, this is what Bob Gardner would like to see.

                Finally, Bob should be reminded that distorting the issues is not the same as running on the issues. If it is truly his intention to see a clean race in El Paso County, he will begin to offer healthy criticism in lieu of short-sighted distortions. Voters should not count on that happening though. Bob Gardner knows that a campaign based on the issues is a campaign Roy Romer will never lose.

                Berthrong is chair of the El Paso County Democratic Party

            3. Let’s see.  Wayne Williams is supporting Doug Lamborn.  The Christian Coalition is supporting Doug Lamborn.  Rich Brenner is an active member of the Christian Coalition.  It was Wayne Williams who was involved with the Chuck Brown petition fiasco.  It was Bob Gardner who was also involved with the petition protest.

              Now Bob Gardner is attacking Wayne William, Doug Lamborn, and the Christian Coalition??? My how the worm turns.

              Copyright Freedom Newspapers, Inc. Jun 27, 2000
              There seems to be no end of obstacles to El Paso County Commissioner Chuck Brown’s bid for re-election. Brown’s spokesman labeled the latest one a “cheap, political smear tactic.”

              Republican challenger Rich Brenner is contesting the validity of Brown’s nominating petitions – signatures of registered voters in Brown’s district gathered to support his request to appear on the Aug. 8 primary ballot.

              On Monday, Brenner said the process Brown used to gather signatures did not follow all the rules. He claimed numerous irregularities in the preparation of the petitions.

              The issue is important, Brenner said, because he feels the nominating process is “tainted when the petition rules and procedures are not followed.”

              Brown couldn’t be reached for comment, but his spokesman, Bob Gardner, called the protest a “cheap, political smear tactic” mounted in efforts to “prevent voters from having a choice.”

              Brown, who’s held the westside District 3 seat since 1993, circulated nominating petitions to get on the primary election ballot.

              On June 7, County Clerk Pat Kelly ruled Brown fell short of the 1,536 signatures needed after he tossed out 314 collected by circulators who don’t live in Brown’s district.

              Brown appealed and won when a district judge last week ruled circulators don’t have to live within the district. On Friday, Kelly asked the state Supreme Court to review the judge’s decision.

              Now, Brenner, who made the primary ballot through the county assembly process, claims Brown’s petitions were altered after being approved by Kelly.

              He said the words “eligible to vote in the county commissioner district in which the petition was circulated” were changed to “eligible to vote in the county.”

              He also contends some petitions didn’t identify the district, while others didn’t name the circulators’ party affiliation or address.

              “If you have rules, shouldn’t you follow them?” Brenner said. “When elected officials do not take the time or maintain the ethical standards to comply with the petition laws they are sworn to uphold, we all lose.”

              Brenner also referred his complaint to 4th Judicial District Attorney Jeanne Smith, who said she’ll determine whether the problems constitute a crime.

              Said Gardner: “This is a slam dunk for us. Other than it’s annoying like gnats buzzing around your head, it’s not of any concern to us.”

              Kelly will rule on Brenner’s complaint within days after a hearing set for 3 p.m. Friday at 200 S. Cascade Ave.

              – Pam Zubeck covers county government and politics and may be reached at 636-0238 or Edited by Bill Vogrin; Headline by Gary Houy

              GOP dispute

              Rich Brenner, who made the primary ballot through the county assembly process, claims Chuck Brown’s petitions were altered after being approved.

              1. Williams and Gardner are once again working together, however in opposite directions.  This time it is Bob Gardner knifing Wayne Williams and the petition process.  It was Willimas who was going after Chuck Brown in previous years.

                Who was in the middle??? Riche Brenner and the Christian Coalition.

  3. What exactly is it that Jeff Crank is supposed to have done to promote the radical homosexual agenda?  (I know what Lineol Rivera is alleged to have done.)

      1.   Rivera supposedly signed a proclamation proclaiming “Gay Pride Day” in Colo. Spgs.  Big deal! 
          This was after he engineered the repeal of his predecessor’s admininstrative policy of providing benefits to domestic partners of city employees.  So he took away a substantive, tangible economic benefit and gave the GLBT community a piece of paper with his signature on it. WOW!

    1. Just a s christians sat idly by while Jews were sent to Concentration Camps in World War II, Jeff Cranks “NON VOICE” is in essence tacit approval of ones behavior.

      1. To compare Christians allowing Jews to be slaughtered by the Nazis to Jeff Crank not speaking loudly enough against homosexuals to suit some bigots is a disgusting abomination. I hope you were joking.

        For the Christian Coalition to charge a conservative Republican with “backing radical homosexuals” merely because the Republican candidate isn’t making demonization of homosexuals his top priority is truly anti-Christian and immoral behavior. Shame on them.

        1. Not saying that what Crank did compares in a physical sense, not comparing him to Nazi’s as you seem to be suggesting.  The fact was that Christians sat idly by and said nothing.

          Mr. Crank has not produced one single example of a public opinion on any pro-family, pro-life issue in his entire career in politics.  He hasn’t brought forth any memos, letters, letters to the editor, articles, or position papers.

          Not until he decided to run for Hefley’s seat.  What does that tell you??  If Mr. Crank is the Christian he pretends to be, why hasn’t he developed a social record on the issues before now???

          Where was Mr. Crank when others stood on street corners in support of LIFE??? Where was Mr. Crank when others were involved with the National Day of Prayer???  Where was Mr. Crank when others protested GAYS marching in Colorado Springs??? Where was he when others were standing outside abortion clinics???  Where was he when others were sponsoring pro-family, prosocial legislation in Denver?? or Washington???

          When it comes to taking a stand, he conveniently took a BACK SEAT.

          Notice how no one is accusing Jeff Crank of being a Right Wing Evangelical Christian?  The answer is because he isn’t.  Likes to pretend that he is one, but he truly isn’t.  Maybe that’s the problem the Christian Coalition (as well as others are having with him), he isn’t all that he says he is or pretends to be.

          1.   Here’s hoping that none of the unholy trinity (Rivera, Crank and Lamborn) turns out to be half the bigoted Christian zealot each is pretending to be during his jihad for the Republican nomination for congress from C.D 5!

          2. Crank is the ONLY candidate with the support of the LIFE network and earned their lifetime achievement award. Git yer facts straight dude!  🙂

  4. Jeff Crank and the Pharisees brought in charges of collusion to Lamborn. They made examples of the political mailers that had been sent out and said to Lamborn, “Teacher, these political organizations are illegally colluding against competing candidates in the CD-5 primary race. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such colluders. Now what do you say?”

    They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

    But Lamborn bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone.”

  5. Scott Gessler administered a serious ass whooping to Marc Holtzman and to the Holtzman campaign. You bet against Gessler at your peril. Grueskin has the big name but if you want to whoop some ass you hire Gessler.

    1. obviously, in republican circles, we should always hire Zakhem to be the straight-up attorney, Shires to manage our financials, Williams to consult on the races, Tonner to manage the campaigns, Kline to handle media, Sakik to do our polling, and Fairbanks to do our mail.  Oh — and Gessler to sue our opponents.  Got it. That’s our “A Team” here in Colorado and, gee, aren’t we proud of that team.

  6. I’m unsure of an any of these jokers but really, by default Crank is getting my vote. Lamborn is a horse’s ass and will serve as nothing but a yes man for the social conservatives. Rivera seems to have no focus whatsoever. Crank at least acknowledges that the military is the most important to the district and will actually be able to be assigned to relevant committees.

    I don’t care if he never served, that will not make him a better Congressman. The difference between the fifth and other districts is that the fifth has a lot to lose with the bases. Hefley, who i am not the biggest fan of, has done a great job protecting and enhancing these assets. But who needs bases and a sound econonomy as long and gays are not marrying.

    1. Well said… well put. Who really wants another horse’s ass politician? Vote for Jeff Crank on August 8… imho he is someone who will get something done and not just be a yes-man in Washington.

      1. Crank was lobbyist by profession.  voted for numerous tax increases, served on the Vote YES Campaign that would have raised our property taxes, and did so under the direction of his employer (the Colorado Springs Chamber).

        Your right, that isn’t being a “YES” man. 

        I think it’s called being a “PUPPET.”

        At least a “YES” man will say “NO” once in a while.  Puppets don’t.

        As for your military service, I too served honorably and I disagree with you.  You are one of those selfish military types that thinks everyone owes you something.  There has to be more to Colorado than the military, if not, what happens when more bases are downsized?  Important? Yes.  The only issue of importance? No.

  7. Hey Christian Coalition, what on earth did Crank possibly do (or not do) to merit your incendiary charge that he backs the “radical homosexual lobby”? If you don’t come up with a good answer, then you folks have no shame and should remove the word “Christian” from your moniker.

    1. They’ve obviously annointed Lamborn as their chosen candidate, so any R with the temerity to run against him is a tool of the homoseckshul agenda. BTW, INHO, they should have removed “christian” from their name the day they formed their “coalition.”

    2. By not saying anything, one is giiving tacit approval of the misbehavior.  Crank was silent on the issue until he decided to run for public office.  How convenient.

      As for using the word Christian, waasn’t it Jeff Crank and his sisters that were actively politicing in the lobby of New Life Church?  At least Duncan Bremer had enough class to stay outside and do his politicing from Hwy 83. 

      It’s no coincidence that Cranks supporters (i.e. Ted Haggard) found it appropriate to attack the Christian Coalition.  My, how convenient.

      Or was it merely a coincidence….NOT.

      P.S.: Jeff Crank is not a member of New Life Church.

      New Lifers who have been members probably were shocked that Crank would even step inside the church except for the invite of his two sisters.  Not even for Easter or Christimas. 

      1. Haggard is not a Crank or Rivera supporter.  The reason he came forward was because the CC was way out of line.  Steve Holt also is not supporting Crank or Rivera, but he also knows a group of liars when he sees them.  Kudos to those pastors for standing up for what is right. 

  8. I don’t really think 1.  the Christian Coalition posts here and 2. they need to explain anything to you.  Now, they’re membership, yes, of course.  But not some anonymous blogger.

  9. ROFLMAOPIMP…..The Rocky Mtn. News is reporting today that Doug Lamborn has come out as a Jimmy Carter supporter in ’76.  I can’t wait to see how the right wing nuts in C.D. 5 process this bit of disturbing news.

    1. Jimmy Carter won in 1976 over Gerald (I luv to golf at the Broadmoor) by uniting the Southern Baptist Convention and Evangelicals.  The Right Wing supported Reagan in 1980, and the result???

      Carter was landslided by Reagan.

      Wasn’t it Ronald Reagan who was the Right Wing Conservative in 1976 and lost the Republican nomination to Reagan?

      I personally know of numerous conservatives, Christian conservatives who voted for Carter and not Ford.  No issue here at all.  Nice try but this is:

      A Duck that won’t Fly, A Gun that won’t Shoot, and a Dog that won’t Hunt.

      1. Handy, you’re an idiot. Your analysis is way toooooo deeeeep for regular voters. And you are WRONG, this is going to kill Stillborn Lamborn, supporting THE MAN Jimmy, what a maroon you are Handy. (See Bugs Bunny).

        1.   Evangelicals gave us Jimmy Carter in ’76, followed by Born-again Jesus freaks in the White House, the Ayatollah and the hostages in Iran, and ever increasing gas prices. 
            Evangelicals gave us Shrub in ’04, Born-again Jesus freaks in the White House, hostages getting beheaded in Iraq, and ever increasing gas prices. 
            Anyone else see a pattern developing here.  Let’s go with a secular humanist in ’08.

  10. Scott Gessler kicked Marc Holtzman’s ass until both of Scott’s shoes were shitty. No idea what this is about but I bet Gessler whips someone’s ass. After Gessler got done Holtzman’s Manager quit and Marc went from contender to laughing stock. Beauprez ought to write him a large check. On the other hand all Mike Norton did was get in the way and try to pick up a big check for doing nothing but seconding whatever Scott said

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